I often have moments (and I think all artists do), when I look at another artist and wonder how they can have such great ideas. Then, I wonder why my ideas are so boreing.
The grass is always greener right?
The artists that I really admire always seem to have lots of creativity and imagination. Tackling subjects that seem so much bigger than the real world, and giving them a style that is a little left of center. I love fantasy for this reason. Its totally made up. Who can make that stuff up?! Where do those ideas come from? From the outside it seems like a really magical process. Just as magical as the finished artwork.
I have to battle my own sense of the mundane. Thinking that my own work is to reality based, and to simple.
Im being too hard on myself of course, aren't we all like that.
Im pretty sure William Morris felt the same way when he compared himself to some his contemporaries like Dante Gabrielle Rossetti. Morris is one of my absolute favorite graphic designers. He did things with simple flowers and plants that made them so much greater than what they were in real life, and yet showed how amazingly inspirational they were. Its such an interesting juxtaposition. A wild rose is so fascinating, so simple, so run of the mill when you see it everyday. Yet, so complex, so whimsical, so beautiful it could stop your heart. Who wouldnt want to reflect that in their art.
Is this the cross we all have to bare as artists? Constantly trying to be as good as nature? That wierd and wonderous realm where everything is possible, even when its impossible.
Always striving to be better, to be grander, and more original?
Am I just thinking too much?
Maybe its okay to be boreing.